Climate and Planet Project
Climate and Ecological Crisis – Full Council Declaration
At the Yate Town Council meeting held on Tuesday 25th February 2020, a declaration was made about our commitment to act and in response to the climate and ecological crisis, we:
- have committed to working for a future in which we transform our relationship with the planet, its resources and each other;
- see this as a continuing journey of transition towards a different and better future for the planet and its communities.
As a first step, we have committed to:
- ensuring that every Council decision is taken with due consideration of its impact on the planet;
- aiming for net-zero carbon by 2030, and to reduce our impact to as close to zero as possible, as quickly as we can, hoping to get there before 2030.
Our first priority is to put our own house in order, but in doing so, we will also work with individuals and organisations in our community to play our part in building a movement that transforms our town.
We are working on an action plan to achieve our commitment. An initial step we have taken is to reduce our inhouse printing.
Members of Yate Town Council are pictured in the Council Chamber following Tuesday 25th February 2020 Full Council meeting which was conducted electronically, reducing the need to print meeting papers and reducing our carbon footprint.
Declaration of Climate and Ecological Crisis and Our Commitment to Action
Yate Town Council recognises the urgency of the climate and ecological crises facing the planet. These are not new or isolate concerns; they are entangled in wider issues of justice and equality.
We commit to working for a future in which we have transformed our relationship with the planet, its resources and each other. We see this as a continuing journey of transition towards a different and better future for the planet and its communities.
As a first step, we commit our Council to ensure every Council decision is taken with due consideration of its impact on the planet. We commit to aiming for net-zero carbon by 2030, and to reduce our impact to as close to zero as possible, as quickly as we can, hoping to get there before 2030.
We ask our Officers and Climate and Planet Sub-Committee to bring forward an action plan to achieve that commitment for our next meeting, together with guidance on opportunities such as borrowing which may speed up our ability to respond.
Our first priority is to put our own house in order, but in doing so, we will also work with individuals and organisations in our community to play our part in building a movement that transforms our town.
We commit to using the Council resources to help achieve a just transition.
We celebrate the rich diversity of responses that are already visible and continue to emerge in the face of these crises and will be challenged by them, will together create new opportunities and work with them as we reimagine and work towards a better future.
We do not know how fast we can travel or the destination, but we are committed to acting as quickly as we can.
Resolved at Full Council, 25.02.2020
Local Nature Action Plan
Yate Town Council have developed a Local Nature Action Plan (LNAP).
You can view full details of the Local Nature Action Plan by clicking here.
Trees, bees and many flower seeds later, we want to show you how the Local Nature Action Plan has bloomed!
Supported by funding from West of England Combined Authority (WECA) we’ve been planting for pollinators in our parks and open spaces in North Yate. We invite you to take a walk in the parks, to enjoy these spaces as they buzz with wildlife and colour!
For a map of our parks and green space please visit our Parks and Open Spaces page, click here
For more information on our fabulous funders, visit them at: