Reporting Graffiti
Report Graffiti in the Local Area
Yate Town Council has adopted a zero tolerance approach to graffiti.
You can report any graffiti you find around the town via our online Google Form:
Yate Town Council Report Graffiti (Online Google Form)
Graffiti on Private Premises
Yate Town Council have a free graffiti cleaning service for local residents who have graffiti on their property. If you wish to use this service, please complete and sign the following waiver (via our online Google Form):
Yate Town Council – Graffiti Removal for Private Premises (Online Google Form)
Please note, a signed waiver MUST be completed and returned to us before any work is carried out.
Yate Town Council (or our agents) will attempt to remove or obscure graffiti as best we can. Unfortunately, some graffiti cannot be removed completely despite our best efforts. Where graffiti is to be covered, there may be a difference in shade or colour between the existing coat and any new application.
If you are unable to access either of the above Google Forms, please contact us via [email protected] or 01454 866506
Reporting General Matters
If you wish to contact us directly, or report any other matters relating to Yate Town Council properties, venues or services, please visit the ‘Contact Us’ page of our website where you will find further details.