On this page you can find information about all Yate Town Council committees, as well as committees of external bodies that Yate Town Council is represented on.
Committees and Groups Index
Where mentioned the MAYOR is Councillor Cheryl Kirby and the VICE-CHAIR is Councillor Ben Nutland.
Full Council
- All 17 members of Yate Town Council attend Full Council meetings which are held every 8 weeks. Full Council receive minutes and reports from various other Committees, Sub-Committee and Project Steering Groups. Full Council meetings are chaired by Yate’s Mayor who is elected at the Annual Town Council meeting held in May. A public participation session is held at the beginning of every meeting, where members of the public are welcome to come along to discuss any issue they wish.
- Attended by: Full Council and open to public at beginning of meeting.
Environment and Community Committee (E&C)
- The Environment and Communities Committee is held approx. every 8 weeks and consists of members of Yate Town Council. The chair of the Environment and Community Committee is elected at the Annual Town Council meeting held in May. The Committee considers and discusses issues such as play areas, parks and open spaces, sports facilities, street furniture, town council assets ( properties, vehicles), events, youth, Public Rights of Way and Yate Ageing Better.
Finance & Governance Committee (F&G)
- The Finance & Governance Committee is held approx. every 8 weeks and consists of members of Yate Town Council. The chair of the Finance & Governance Committee is elected at the Annual Town Council meeting held in May. The Committee considers and discusses issues such as financial and accounting matters, grants, Council administration, health and safety, fundraising, Service Level Agreements, consultations and training.
Planning & Transportation Committee (P&T)
- The Planning and Transportation Committee is held approx. every 4 weeks and consists of members of Yate Town Council. The Chair of the Planning and Transportation Committee is elected at the Annual Town Council meeting held in May. The committee considers and discusses issues such as Planning applications, traffic orders, consultations, Street Trading and alcohol licenses, transport and highway issues and strategic and visionary planning.
The Town Council has a number of Sub-Committees, Working Groups and Project Steering Groups dealing with issues such as events, grants, public rights of way, youth, play area refurbishments and Yate Ageing Better. The minutes to these meetings can be found under the main committee meeting minutes.
All of the meeting dates for the Committee meetings can be found on the website calendar here.