Home Events Finance and Governance Meetings Finance & Governance Committee Meeting 8 February 2022


08 Feb 2022


7:00 pm

Finance & Governance Committee Meeting 8 February 2022

The Finance & Governance Committee is held approximately every 8 weeks and consists of members of Yate Town Council. The chair of the F&G Committee is elected at the Annual Town Council meeting held in May. The committee considers and discusses issues such as financial and accounting matters, grants, council administration, health and safety, fundraising, service level agreements, consultations and training.

This meeting is being held online via the Zoom platform. To join the meeting copy the following link into your internet browser, or alternatively join by mobile phone (audio only) by dialling 0131 460 1196 and tap in the Meeting ID and Passcode when prompted.

Meeting Link:https://us06web.zoom.us/j/91325093979?pwd=WUZVRFdaVXBYVTQyU0oybEFZejVKdz09
Meeting ID:913 2509 3979
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