Environment & Community Committee Meeting 4 March 2025
The Environment and Community (E&C) Committee is held approximately every 8 weeks and consists of members of Yate Town Council. The chair of the E&C Committee is elected at the Annual Town Council meeting held in May. The committee considers and discusses issues such as play areas, parks and open spaces, sports facilities, street furniture, town council assets (properties, vehicles), events, youth, Public Rights of Way and Yate Ageing Better.
Please refer to the Agenda for the location of this meeting on our meetings download page please click here
Face-to-face YTC meetings are held at Poole Court, Poole Court Drive, Yate, BS37 5PP.
If a meeting/discussion is being held online via Zoom or Teams platforms, please use the details provided on the Agenda. To join a zoom meeting, copy the link provided into your internet browser, or alternatively join by mobile phone (audio only) by dialling 0131 460 1196 and tap in the Meeting ID and Passcode when prompted.
(NB: Remote meetings have no decision-making powers and any action taken as a result would be by using delegated powers in place to the Town Clerk.)
Members of the public may attend all Council Meetings listed. Agendas and Minutes are published on the website, but please email [email protected] should you wish to receive a copy in an alternative format.
Please advise us if you wish to attend a Council meeting and/or wish to raise any questions giving at least 2 days notice.
Information about public attendance at meetings can be found in our Standing Orders Policies and Governance – Yate Town Council